A water square / water playground with a nod to the old city wall of Zaltbommel. It is not an ordinary playground, but a meeting space where young and old can meet.
Woonlinie has been busy redesigning the outdoor space in recent years. The water square is special because it has two functions. Underneath the square is a large underground water buffer where 360 m3 of water can be stored. This buffer is used to collect rainwater from heavy showers and then discharge it into the sewers after a delay. It must prevent streets from becoming flooded in the future. In the event of heavy rainfall, the square will fill up with water and an additional 165 m3 of water can also be stored here.
The final design by BOERplay for the square has become a water playground, with a nod to the old history of the city. The 100-year-old beech tree has been given a very central place. Boulders, wooden posts and a traditional water pump are parts that you will find on the water square. Children are challenged to become creative in their play. They are not standard playground equipment, but the objects appeal to the imagination. The street furniture is also geared to the plan. Benches and seating elements have been fitted, with colors that match the environment.
Exercise garden
The example of the water square has inspired citizens’ initiative to set up an exercise garden. For example, exercise equipment was added to the plan at the end of 2016. The result is a special outdoor space with multiple use of space, where young and old can move, stay and meet.
The project is a collaboration of the municipality of Zaltbommel, Woonlinie and BOER, known from BOERplay and BOERurban. Collaboration has turned out to be a key word in this unusual plan. The water square with adjacent exercise garden was officially opened in May 2017. (see also: www.woonlinie.nl)