Prior to the opening of the Ravensepark play areas, Alderman van Lith spoke briefly in advance. A group of about 60 children and other local residents listened attentively. The play areas were developed together with technasium students from Helinium. The first-year students (25 groups of 4 to 5 students) conducted research into the possibilities for a playground in early 2015, under the supervision of three playground equipment suppliers and guest lectures by technical draughtsmen. For example, the students could design a playground or equipment in 3D themselves. The research was organized in the form of a competition. From all designs, the four best were selected who were allowed to present their designs to a jury chaired by councilor for district management Hans van Lith.
The team ‘Het Stelletje Ongeregeld’ emerged as the winner. The winning students were also present in the audience. This team has been guided by us. Before the official opening of the Ravensepark, the students had a tour of our factory in Nieuwendijk.
Alderman van Lith: “The ideas of this team were included in the assignment to the designers of the playground in the Ravensepark. In this way, not only a beautiful, modern playground is delivered, but also one that meets the needs of the users ”. These words were underlined by the local residents who indicated that the play areas have been used intensively since installation.