The City of Herford had set itself the task of gradually upgrading its public playgrounds. These playgrounds have been refurbished and partly entirely replaced. This required concepts from various suppliers with requirements concerning budget, age groups and available space. These concepts with a wide variety of materials and playground equipment had been presented to, and selected by, a citizen participation. Boerplay had been commissioned for the renewal of the Grasweg playground.
The project has been completed and the new playground has been reopened in all its glory for the very enthusiastic residents.
Many play values
The centrepiece and main attraction is the Multi-play structure Cassini with a 3m high tube slide and many play values for all ages. Naturally there is also a dedicated area for toddlers to play. Furthermore, a newly designed meeting place for the elderly has been realized. The first reactions were overwhelmingly positive.
Are you also looking for an exciting and challenging play- or sporting ground for your local area? Customized projects are certainly possible with BOERplay. Feel free to contact us today for your project, or check out our website for more inspiring projects. I +31 (0)183 402 366
Location: Herford, Germany
Design & execution: BOERplay GmbH
Period: 2022