What seemed impossible beforehand has turned out to be possible. Four mothers raised an enormous amount for a major makeover for the De Koeteltuin playground in the Noord-Holland Middenmeer. The playground was completely pimped.
“It is wonderful to see that people are playing outside again.”
That the Koetel ladies had set up an ambitious playground plan, yes, they knew that themselves. Only 60,000 euros? “We did not expect that,” says Laura Visser with a laugh. “But when we went into it more deeply, the picture became clear. Especially all kinds of certificates and safety requirements make a playground pricey. ”
Need was high
Instead of throwing in the towel prematurely, Visser, Jolien Zwartveld, Sabine van Biljouw and Simone Bosma-van der Gees added a little extra. “Nothing is impossible. As long as you have motivated people, ”says Visser. The four mothers wanted to offer the children in Middenmeer something unique. Visser, laughing: “So not that annoying seesaw and that standard slide that you get tired of after ten minutes. But a really cool playground. ”
The need was great. Because admittedly, the playgrounds in Middenmeer were not too bright. Dull, simply furnished, sometimes even destroyed. A sad sight. No wonder that neighborhood children were not challenged to go outside to play. “That was the motivation for us to develop something really cool. We want to get the children away from their smartphone screen, but they must have a reason to do so. ”
Infectious enthusiasm
In good spirits, the ladies went to war a year ago. They joined the municipality, organized information evenings, enthused neighbors. Oliebollen were sold, auctions held, fundraisers set up. Slowly but surely, the euro flow started. In Middenmeer, the contours of the largest citizen participation project in the wider region became increasingly clear.
Although the target amount of 60,000 euros for a playground is astronomically high, the initiators refused to change their plan. The infectious enthusiasm of the Koetel ladies spilled over to the municipality. The local government sponsored new picnic benches, a tight turf and also helped arrange the complicated paperwork. The impossible became possible: the magical limit of 60,000 euros was tapped.
Playground equipment
Construction of the playground began in May. Existing playground equipment was retained and the playing field remained, but in a large circle around it, playground equipment popped out of the ground like mushrooms. Including: a large play hill with a cable car, a slide down and a slope climb up. Also includes a hexagonal swing, adventure path with spring platforms, step trunks and balance beams, a climbing pole and a large hammock.
“We have deliberately placed the playground equipment in a large circle. We read in a study that playground equipment in a large round gives the feeling that playing is never finished, ”says Visser. Various picnic tables have been placed for watching parents. “In this way De Koeteltuin becomes a social meeting place.” The Koeteltuin as a connecting factor in the neighborhood, it appears to work. The opening party in June 2017 was attended by nearly six hundred villagers.
The Koeteldames succeeded in realizing a new playground worth 60,000 euros. How? “By simply working hard together for it. We are all busy, of course, but the trick is to make time for such a project. Only then does it become apparent what you can do with a few strong men ”, says Visser. And for now? “Enjoy the fact that the playground has been busy so far. It could be done for that. ”
Source: www.koeteltuin.nl
Client: Municipality of Hollands Kroon – Core group Koeteltuin
Design and realization: BOERplay