In October 2020, a brand new playground in Zwevegem was opened by the mayor in collaboration with CAAAP. This could count on a lot of interest from local residents. For several years now, the former Bekaertsite in Zwevegem has been getting a full makeover. In this flowering and green residential area, living, living and working will take centre stage. With the realization of this challenging and attractive playground, the unique Leanderhof project has taken another milestone.
Dynamic neighborhood
By a boost from the municipality, Leanderhof becomes a new, green hotspot in Zwevegem. With residential solutions for young and old, the old factory site is renamed a dynamic neighborhood. The mayor therefore hopes that all Zwevegemnaren will find their way to this new place. “An attractively equipped space for children playing is imposed by the municipality of Zwevegem in all major plots”. Matching seating furniture, walking promenades and landscaping are also provided. Playing, meeting and moving for young and old are optimally integrated into the new construction project.
In three places, playground equipment, play leads and an exciting climbing and scrambling course are realized. Good news for, among others, the nursery at Leanderhof, (the grandchildren of) the residents of the 50 assisted living units and for the neighbouring Vrije Centrumschool and RHIZO school. No less than 2 hectares or no less than 4 football fields green, public zone are being developed in the park and between the buildings.
More play value
The new playground was already approved during the opening by the children of the second grade of the Vrije Centrumschool! They could play there to their heart’s content: climbing and scrambling, balancing, sliding, wobbly and rocking, rocking, hanging and much more. A welcome distraction in these special times. “All play values ensure that the play areas in the Leanderhof are a real added value for the Zwevegem children and young people”, says Isabelle Degezelle, youth minister of the municipality of Zwevegem.
Risky play
This unique project is based on adventurous play and a lot of play value for children to explore on their own. Challenging and adventurous play promotes, among other things, the self-reliance through which they further develop their cognitive skills. For the establishment of play area for playing with a healthy dose of risk, we use a special design concept aimed at risky play. The different devices that have been placed come from the Adventure Play Explore range. The spiderstones with net bridges and wobble ropes come from the range of play leads.
Also looking for an exciting and challenging interpretation for your playground? Contact us for the possibilities for your project. I 0183 40 23 66
Overige info:
Locatie: Zwevegem – Leanderhof
Opdrachtgever: Gemeente Zwevegem/ CAAAP
Speelontwerp: BOERplay
Uitvoering: BOERplay
Periode: oktober 2020
Some of this information can also be found on the Leanderhof website.